What if understanding the Bible were as simple as opening it up?

Hi, my name is Susan. I’m glad you stopped by. This morning I picked up my Bible looking for a specific book inside. I started just opening it to see if I could consistently locate the book of Isaiah. I found it part of the time, but what I did discover was a quick way to navigate my way around the Bible.

I’ve struggled over the years with thinking I should read my Bible, but closing it not long after opening it, because I wasn’t getting anything out of it. Yes, there’s plenty in there. I just didn’t know how to find it and couldn’t understand what I was reading.

Thanks to a group of friends who were having the same issue as me, we read through the Bible together. I’d like to share some of the tips and tricks we learned along the way that helped us better understand what’s inside the Bible.

More importantly, I’d like to show you what we found as we read. My hope is that you will make some discoveries of your own.

Thanks for joining me on this journey,


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