A bike and the Bible – 1 and 2 Kings to Nehemiah – part 9

Like the second tunnel of the bike ride, 1 and 2 Kings to Nehemiah feels like a shorter tunnel, but is still somewhat dark and unfamiliar.

Follow me as we ride past these next several books of the Bible and illuminate them just a little.

Second tunnel

After the stretch of shared road out in the open on the bike trail, the sight of another tunnel brought out all the fear and apprehension of the first one.

Here’s what the first tunnel looked like:

tunnel ahead

After the shock wore off, I started to fumble for my bike light, remembering how dark the initial tunnel had been.

Heading into 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah can feel a bit daunting, especially if you actually start to read these books. I once said the Kings saga reads like an obituary. A lot of names and how long (or short) they reigned. A first look can feel really overwhelming.

History books

Here are some thoughts to help us get our bearings as we travel the landscape of these history books.

Like 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles are parts one and two of longer books. These two sets of books have a bit of overlap to them, though they were written at different times for different purposes.

1 and 2 Kings is the log of all the kings of the Northern and Southern kingdoms.

1 and 2 Chronicles is the history of the kings of the Southern kingdom as recorded by the historian or chronicler written much later.

1 Kings

Confused yet? You don’t need to be. Something really significant happens in 1 Kings that’s helpful to keep in mind.

As a reminder, Samuel anoints David as king in 2 Samuel. David’s son Solomon becomes king in 1 Kings and is called to build the Lord’s Temple. The first eleven chapters of 1 Kings cover the life of King Solomon.

Kingdom split

Solomon’s son Rehoboam follows him as king but the leaders of the kingdom don’t all follow Rehoboam’s novice decision. His choice of direction leads to the kingdom split. The Israelites split off from Rehoboam’s leadership and he is left charge over what is called the kingdom of Judah.

You don’t have to remember these details, just keep in mind that the kingdom splits into the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah, and it originates in 1 Kings.

 2 Kings

The second half of 1 Kings can get a little confusing as it switches back and forth between the kings from both kingdoms. 2 Kings carries on the alternating narrative with some kings receiving pages of storyline while others only see dishonorable mention.

Kingdoms fall

In 2 Kings 17 the kingdom of Israel falls to Assyria.

Jerusalem falls to Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzer at the conclusion of 2 Kings.

1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles rolls a bit like the book of Numbers with extensive lists of names starting with Adam, the first man. Talk about tracing your genealogy.

David as king

Chapter ten of 1 Chronicles begins a narrative of David as king that carries through the end of part one of the chronicles.

2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles begins with Solomon’s reign and includes the split with Rehoboam’s rule. From there the focus is on the kings of Judah.

Whew. Did you make it?

Kingdom highlights

Here’s a quick recap of some of the kingdom highlights:

King Solomon was David’s son. Rehoaboam was Solomon’s son.

King David was a warrior.

King Solomon built the temple.

King Rehoaboam split the kingdom.

Ezra and Nehemiah

The summary of Ezra and Nehemiah goes much quicker.

Ezra begins with the return of the exiles.

Nehemiah continues the history with the rebuilding of the city wall.

What to expect

Much like the first long tunnel, after a while even in the dark I knew a bit what to expect.

As I traveled this shorter tunnel I noticed it didn’t feel slanted like the first long one. Although I fumbled for my light heading into this tunnel, the ride through it was much more manageable. Also, because it didn’t slant down toward the gutters it felt doable. And I had been riding long enough now that I had a sense of how to navigate it, even if all I knew was that it would be confusing.

I don’t know about you, but I felt a certain level of comfort knowing that.

This tunnel would be dark and confusing, but I’ve been through dark and confusing so I know a bit how to cope and navigate under such circumstances.

And hopefully now you do, too.

Trying to remember what was in 1 and 2 Samuel? Here’s a quick review:

A bike and the Bible – Joshua to 1 and 2 Samuel – part 8

A bike and the Bible – Joshua to 1 and 2 Samuel – part 8

From Joshua to 1 and 2 Samuel, familiar stories bring recognition and maybe a little comfort, much like the stretch of the bike trail that was out in daylight after the long dark tunnel.

Shared road

After 1.661 miles of darkness, I was glad to see sunlight and begin the stretch of the ride that was on a shared road. This section carried bikes, cars, and buses. A gravel road worn smooth from the weight of many tires and frequent use.

Though varied vehicles meant we had to watch for traffic in both directions, I welcomed the open expanse and chance to see something familiar.

Bigger view

Outside the entrance of the tunnel I could see the panoramic view of evergreens, blue sky, and sunshine. We were still near the start of the bike ride, but this was the first we could really see where we were going.

The next few books of the Bible – Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel – offer a similar perspective.


Joshua, Moses’ successor, leads the Israelites as their journey continues. To recap, Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt (the Exodus) and gives his farewell speech in Deuteronomy. Joshua takes over leadership in the Book of Joshua.

The Book of Joshua includes the story of Rahab who hid the spies (chapter 2), the crossing of the Jordan River (chapter 3 and 4), and the fall of the wall at Jericho (chapter 6). These were stories I heard about at church when I was a kid. They read pretty quickly if you want to give them a look.

Rahab’s name is good to remember. Her name comes up in the New Testament in some pretty remarkable ways. (See Matthew 1:5 and Hebrews 11:31).

The Battle of Jericho is one of many battles that takes place in this action-packed book. The second half of Joshua covers the division of land among the tribes.

Before Joshua passes on, he gives a farewell warning to the people reminding them to obey God. (Joshua 23:6)

In chapter 24 the people swear they will be faithful to God, but the next book, Judges, tells a different story.


The Judges ruled or led people. The people would do things their own way, “did right in their own eyes,” until they really messed up and God sent a judge to lead them out of their predicament.

Some of the noteworthy names are Deborah (chapter 4 and 5), Gideon (chapter 6-9), and Samson (chapter 13-16). Don’t worry if you don’t recognize their names. Their stories only take a few chapters to read. Here are a couple of highlights from Gideon’s story.


I so appreciate Gideon. God whittles down all Gideon’s resources to show God’s strength, not the strength of the Israelites. (Judges 7)

Gideon also has a few trust issues and asks God to do a lot of proving of His role in Gideon’s survival. (Judges 6:36-40)


The Book of Ruth is a short four chapter self-contained story that packs a punch when you realize how significant Ruth’s role is in the bigger story of Jesus. (Read Ruth chapter 4, then compare Ruth 4:18-22 and Matthew 1:1-6)

1 and 2 Samuel

1 and 2 Samuel, once one long book split into parchment part one and two, 1 Samuel starts with the story of a woman longing for a child. We learn the story of Samuel from before he was born to boyhood to first job and God’s calling.

1 Samuel presents the rise and fall of Saul as king and the introduction of David who complicates the dynamics of Saul’s kingdom.

When the giant Goliath enters the scene, this adversary defines David’s popularity. David’s story comes to the forefront in the rest of 1 Samuel. His reign as king begins in 2 Samuel.

How to remember what’s in 1 and 2 Samuel?

Samuel anoints David as king. 1 and 2 Samuel contains the story of David.

In these five books of the Bible we find narratives and stories that are easy to follow and in some cases familiar. A breath of fresh air in the Old Testament murkiness.


On the bike ride we shared the road with automobile traffic and buses, as well as bikes moving in both directions. But because of all of this traffic, the road was smoother. All of that gravel had been worn down and was therefore easier to ride over.

These stories are either well-known, shorter, easier to comprehend, or to follow. We also find a few distinct references to the New Testament showing the two-way traffic between the Old and the New.

Hopefully like the bike path that opened up after the tunnel, you are finding a clearer view through the Old Testament with insights from Joshua to 1 and 2 Samuel.

Want a quick review of the first five books of the Bible, Genesis through Deuteronomy? Find it here:

A bike and the Bible – long dark tunnel – part 7

A bike and the Bible – long dark tunnel – part 7

The beginning of the Old Testament can feel like a long dark tunnel. Here are insights to shed some light on the first five books of the Bible.

Tunnel entrance

The moment had arrived. No more stalling. I clumsily made my way to the tunnel entrance. I couldn’t see daylight. This was like the beginning of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. At the risk of being redundant, Genesis means beginning.


In the beginning of Genesis the earth is formless and void. Darkness covers all. That’s what this tunnel felt like. Pure black nothingness. I had no idea where I was going, what to expect, what I would find, and all the while I felt like I was going to fall.


Which is actually a good metaphor for the beginning of Genesis because a fall happens pretty quickly. It’s “the Fall” that gets referenced everywhere. I heard that phrase a lot growing up but wasn’t exactly sure what it meant. What fall? Who fell?

Well, Adam and Eve, the first man and woman. They listened to a voice other than God’s, then questioned what they thought they knew, but more importantly questioned God’s love for them. The resulting consequence was a fall from grace and a boot out of the Garden, not because God didn’t love them, but because He did.

Before God sent them away from the Garden, He clothed them to cover their shame of being exposed.

God wants to cover our shame too.

Grateful for the light

Back in the long dark tunnel I was grateful for the light on my bike though it seemed pretty dim compared to the darkness that surrounded me. I was thankful to have my husband riding in front of me so I had some sense of direction and a little more light to guide my way.

In fact, this tunnel was filled with other cyclists, many who appeared to be experienced with the layout of the tunnel, or at least to me it seemed that way. With all those riders, this really dark tunnel had a constant stream of light flowing through it. This perpetual light may not have been bright but it was fairly steady.

Not alone

We are not alone when we read the Bible. We may know other people who have already read the stories we are just experiencing. I personally appreciate the people who like me are in the process of learning what’s inside.


The best part of reading the Bible is finding connection to God. When we read the Bible we take a step toward Jesus. The moment we open our Bibles we open our hearts to the possibility of time with Jesus.

Tried to maintain control

It took all my concentration to stay upright and not ride into the gutters that flanked the sides of the tunnel. For some reason the wheels kept leaning toward the gutters. Later I would find out the tunnel was slanted so the water that dripped from the ceiling could run off into those handy water troughs but for me they were reminders of how quickly I could go off course. I gripped the handle bars while I tried to maintain control.

Two-way tunnel

Did I mention this was a two-way tunnel? Yes, not only was I conscious of the riders behind me – who probably wanted to pass – but I had to watch for the ones sailing back up toward the entrance.

Funny, I didn’t grasp what was happening at the time, but some point later in the ride I realized I, too, would have to make the return trip. God was kind to keep me out of the loop at the start of the ride.


Reading the Bible has similar characteristics. When I led a group of people through the whole Bible we spent a lot of time in Genesis. So many of the stories in Genesis lay the foundation for other sections of Scripture. If you haven’t read Genesis I encourage you to start there. If you want an overview of what’s in it, here’s a reference point:

Through Genesis – shedding light on the journey

If you read through Genesis you’ll find it flows into Exodus, which also continues with the story concept, though this one focuses primarily on the story of Moses and the Israelites. Here are some tips on how to navigate Exodus:

Find your stride – how to navigate Exodus

After Exodus comes the stumbling block of Leviticus. Most people like to skip this one, but reading with a group kept me accountable and I read through it. Leviticus is worth the trouble if you’re up for it. Here’s some help to survive the ride through it:

How to survive the journey through Leviticus

Much like the tunnel that never seemed to end, Leviticus can feel like a plunge into darkness. But if you even take the time to skim it, you’ll find some content that relates to Jesus in a most profound way.

And if you survive the journey through Leviticus, you have the reward of Numbers which begins with a mind-numbing census. Here are a few highlights of what can be found in Numbers:

How to find knowledge in the narrative of Numbers

Rounding out the first five books of the Bible is Deuteronomy, the book of remembrance. I personally find it ironic because if I make it this far through the Bible, it’s doubtful I remember what I read up to that point. Here are a few highlights to what’s in Deuteronomy:

Finding reminders in the book of Deuteronomy

If you followed me through this list then congratulations, you just made it through the long dark tunnel of the first five books of the Old Testament.

I want to give you permission to forget what you read. The Bible is always available for us to come back to and open it to remember what we’ve seen. But most of all, God is always available to reach out to – that’s all I need to remember.

Catching up on this series?

A bike and the Bible – an adventure – intro – part 1

A bike and the Bible – reservations – part 2

A bike and the Bible – what I thought – part 3

A bike and the Bible – getting started – part 4

A bike and the Bible – finding a Bible – part 5

A bike and the Bible – before the ride – part 6

A bike and the Bible – before the ride – part 6

Like my experience with the bike before the ride, reading the Bible can be messy. We get stuck, lose our place, but also find our way, all while moving closer to Jesus. How to navigate the entry point.

Entry point

We drove to the trailhead, grabbed our gear, in my case, all the snacks I could carry in my pockets, and hiked up to the entry point.

A map

At the info table I requested a map. The gal handed me one and said I’d never use it. She may have been right, but I’ve looked at it countless times since then. A reminder of the path I endured, survived, lived to tell about.

A bookmark

When I started to read the Bible I could never find the table of contents. It must be at least 30 pages in. A bookmark with all of the books of the Bible on it became a handy reference for me, especially the kind that lists the books of the Bible in groupings. Not sure what I mean by groupings? I’ll explain along the ride. In the meantime you can either bookmark the table of contents or follow my example and stumble onto each book of the Bible.

Here’s one way I have a general sense of where I am in the Bible:

Finding my place

Before the ride

My husband took my picture with the bike before the ride started. Before the chaos. Before the first blog post.

Potential hazard

I sat astride my bike. No, actually I didn’t. I stood next to it to have my picture taken. I was well-outfitted. Favorite lightweight teal windbreaker, purple bike helmet, right pant leg in sock. I had ridden bikes enough to know that if you don’t keep your pant leg neatly tucked away from the bike chain, it will find the bike chain. One more potential hazard on this path of peril.

Reading the Bible

Reading the Bible can be messy. We get stuck, lose our place, but also find our way, all while moving closer to Jesus. What do I mean by that? The Bible is God’s Word. When we open our Bible we position ourselves to be aware of God in our own life. That’s the beauty in the mess.


Now when I look at the photo of the bike I notice the tires covered in dried on mud. And the seat. The back of the seat is streaked with dried on dirt. Did I not notice it before? I don’t think I noticed anything before.


My husband sat on his bike. Of course his feet touched the ground. Mine didn’t. And that’s another thing. My bike seat was too far off the ground. I couldn’t touch my feet easily on the ground. But the seat was short in the frame. My legs were perpetually bent, just enough to be a bit uncomfortable after a while.

Sound idea

He stood confidently astride his bike, wearing the backpack full of juice and lunch for the both of us. We may have actually eaten our lunch before we arrived at the trailhead. That was probably the most sound idea of the day.


Although I did not have his confidence, I was grateful for his company. I’m happy to accompany you on this journey into the Bible.


When I look at the picture now I see all the mud caked on the tires. This ride was going to be messy and I didn’t even have a clue.

Want to see what I’m talking about? A few pictures before the ride:

Tunnel ahead


What were some of your early experiences with reading the Bible?

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Catching up?

A bike and the Bible – an adventure – intro – part 1

A bike and the Bible – reservations – part 2

A bike and the Bible – what I thought – part 3

A bike and the Bible – getting started – part 4

A bike and the Bible – finding a Bible – part 5