Are you thirsty? Find refreshment in the Word

Are you thirsty and in need of refreshment? Is the hot sun or are the details of the day beating down on you? Have you been working hard or just been so busy you haven’t stopped to hydrate?

I can tell if I’ve gone too long without stopping for a sip of water. I don’t do it on purpose. When I move from one activity to the next, I don’t notice the need until my system cries out in protest craving something to refresh. Does that happen to you?

Does a simple glass satisfy or do you find yourself in search of something to stay with you to quench a deeper thirst?

When parched

If I’m really thirsty, a glass of water just won’t cut it. A piece of fruit satisfies and refreshes more fully when I’m parched. How about you?

Satisfy thirst more deeply

When I was a kid, I used to eat grapefruit a lot. I even have one of those spoons that thinks it’s a knife with the serrated edge to cut the citrusy goodness out of the confines of the shell. It’s a lot of work to eat a grapefruit that way, painstakingly cutting around each individual section to loosen the pulp and free it from the three walls that hold it in place. But each juicy bite that emerges tastes tart and fresh, satisfying thirst more deeply than a simple glass of water or fruit juice could.

Sometimes I enjoy grapefruit in a fruit salad someone else has prepared, whole segments accessed simply by spooning them into my bowl. But there’s something about extracting the sections of grapefruit yourself. And afterward, once each bite has been cut free, squeezing each half to release the remaining juice into a bowl to drink up the last of the nourishing offering.

When spiritually thirsty

As I enjoyed a grapefruit this morning, a much-needed dose of hydration after a walk in the sun, I reflected on the similarity to reading my Bible. When I open my Bible, I often look at one small section. The process to get something nourishing out of it can feel painfully slow, especially if I am spiritually thirsty. What do I mean by that? It’s those times when I know I’ve disconnected from any sort of quiet time with Jesus where I can gain a healthy perspective on my life or circumstances. When I can tell I’m caught up in and distracted by challenges or situations that drain my sense of peace.

Dig deep for thirst-quenching refreshment

When we’re parched, it might be easier to let someone else do the heavy lifting. We could listen to someone else teach on what’s in the Bible or could read a devotion and see what someone else has learned from reading the Bible. Those are both really good activities to engage in. But don’t let that be where we stop. The fulfilling reward comes from digging deep for the thirst-quenching refreshment ourselves. What we discover and internalize takes deeper root in our own lives.

What we discover and internalize takes deeper root in our own lives.

It’s one thing to hear about someone else’s experience. It’s another to encounter our own.

Here’s one benefit to digging deeper ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I’m lousy at memorizing Scripture. I discovered however that I internalize it. When I take the time to focus on a small passage of Scripture, something stays with me even if I don’t realize it in the moment. Has that ever happened to you?

Anchor ourselves in the Word

When we reflect on a few short phrases of Scripture, we anchor ourselves in the Word. That simple phrase may come back to us later in the day or sometime during the week. By pausing long enough to grab hold of a morsel of what’s in the Bible, we nourish our spiritual life one small step at a time.

We nourish our spiritual life one small step at a time.

Do you want to give it a try?

Even if we’re sporadic at best with our Bible reading, whenever we take a moment to focus on a section of Scripture, we grab hold of something to stay with us longer than if we relied on someone else’s study time. What do I mean by that? Devotions are the result of someone else’s personal time with Jesus. My goal here is to help us find a foothold into our own experience.

Don’t worry, we’ll start with a short segment of Scripture. Here’s a portion of Psalm 143.

Psalm 143

“I spread out my hands to you;
    I thirst for you like a parched land.

  Answer me quickly, Lord;
    my spirit fails.
 Do not hide your face from me
    or I will be like those who go down to the pit.
 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
    for I have put my trust in you.
 Show me the way I should go,
    for to you I entrust my life.” Psalm 143:6-8 NIV

A word or phrase that caught your attention

Take a moment to read this passage and see if any words or phrases stand out to you, for whatever reason. Do the words you noticed speak to your situation? Describe how you’re feeling? Remind you of something good about God? Whatever the reason, focus on the phrase that caught your attention.

Invite Jesus to speak

Does it feel like a prayer or plea to God? A conviction to invite more of Jesus into your life? This is the cool part. Invite Jesus to show you what He wants you to know about the phrase you selected. Ask Him to speak into your life through the highlighted phrase.

Listen for a response

Then pause. Listen. Wait a moment for a response to come into your heart. You might even decide to write down what you hear. Not sure you heard anything? That’s okay too. Writing down the phrase you noticed or repeating it a few times to yourself may help create a space in your heart for God to show you something later. Sometimes the verse itself is the blessing that stays with us throughout the day.

Whatever your experience, let this be a first step toward satisfying a deeper thirst.

No time to open your Bible? Try this:

Don’t open your Bible, at least not yet

Which word or phrase caught your attention? Share in the comments.

How to connect the Old and New Testament through backstory

Recognizing how to connect the Old and New Testament through backstory gives us another Scripture pairing tool with which to build our Bible knowledge.

Scripture pairings

In our series of Scripture pairings, verses from the Old Testament and New Testament complement one another and enhance the meaning or what we experience from them.  This week we’ll pair two passages through backstory, to find deeper understanding in the New Testament passage from a storyline in the Old Testament.

We can gain greater insight from a Bible passage when we know the backstory, the plotline referenced or alluded to in the verses we’re reading. This week we’ll look for clues as to the originating storyline from the Old Testament and how it helps us understand the New Testament verses in our look at Scripture pairings.

Gospel of Matthew

In the Gospel of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, Jesus is speaking to some Pharisees and teachers of the law when he shares these words:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matthew 12:40 NIV

Jonah and Jesus

Have you heard of Jonah? If not, that’s okay, in this verse Jesus shares a highlight of Jonah’s plight.

Maybe you recognize this fish tale from a children’s Bible story. Did you know this comes from the Old Testament?

If we look at this one verse from Matthew, do you see the phrase “three days and three nights” repeated?

The Son of Man is Jesus. He compares Jonah’s journey into the depths with His own. Jesus makes the comparison between Jonah’s stint in the fish to the time frame Jesus’ body will be buried. For Jesus, that’s the span between His death on the cross (crucifixion) and His rising from the dead (resurrection) three days later.

Where to find Jonah’s story

We now have a sense of who Jonah is, but where do we find his story?

The verse that precedes this one refers to the “prophet Jonah.”

Old Testament Prophet

If you weren’t sure where to find Jonah’s story in the Bible, this phrase points us toward the Prophets of the Old Testament.

The Prophets, the long list of mostly hard to pronounce names at the end of the Old Testament, would have been a part of the Scriptures with which the people of Jesus day would have been familiar.

Minor Prophet

If we look in the table of contents in our Bible or flip pages until we find it, we’ll see Jonah near the end of the Old Testament in the Minor Prophets section. These are the shorter prophetic books, in fact, Jonah is only one page front and back in my Bible. His story is short enough to read in one sitting.

Jonah’s story

There’s more we could say about Jonah, but for now consider reading his story if you don’t yet know it. Since my Bible study group started with the Old Testament, we were familiar with Jonah’s story when we came to the reference in Matthew.

Here’s the verse from Jonah:

“Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” Jonah 1:17 NIV

We’ve merely highlighted the connection between these two verses from this storyline. For a fuller picture of the comparison, read the book of Jonah and Matthew 10:38-41.

Greater depth to passage

When we connect the Old and New Testament through backstory we enhance our understanding of each passage. In this case, the Old Testament storyline provides a backdrop for the New Testament teaching from Jesus. His own words in the Matthew passage also bring greater depth to the Old Testament verses.

Tool for understanding

This is one of my favorite kinds of match ups. Once you know the story from the Old Testament you can set New Testament Scripture against that backdrop. If you remember the storyline, you have one more tool for understanding the New Testament passage and a way to step back and view the backdrop. Jesus used examples familiar to his listeners. When we know the story he draws from, we gain greater insight too.

Find deeper significance

We can find deeper significance in the passage when we recognize the story connection between the Old and New Testament.

A few more clues

Searching for backstory pairs well with finding phrases that clue us in when a quote in the New Testament is from a prophetic book in the Old Testament. That’s the skill we looked at here:

Scripture pairing – Old Testament quoted in the New Testament

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Scripture pairing – Old Testament quoted in the New Testament

Sometimes a scripture pairing consists of the same verses found in two places in the Bible. How do we match up a passage from the Old Testament quoted in the New Testament? Discover the clues to decipher this memorable match.

In search of a pair

When I was a kid, we played a game called memory. After turning over a card in search of a pair, you had to remember where you had seen the one that matched.

What does this have to do with the Bible?

Paired up scripture passages

Once we’re familiar enough with the content of the Bible we may recall where paired up passages are, especially connections between the Old and New Testament. But what if we aren’t that familiar with what’s in the Bible?

Is there a shorter route to recognition?


Simple clues

A few simple clues can lead us to these memorable matches.

Scripture pairing New Testament

One such pairing is found in chapter two of Acts, a book of the New Testament. Acts follows the four Gospels in the New Testament lineup.

Day of Pentecost

Today’s section, like the previous post, occurs on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down upon the followers of Jesus who were gathered together.

Peter, one of the disciples speaks to explain the events taking place:

“This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel.” (Acts 2:16)

“‘In the last days, God says,
  I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
  your young men will see visions,
  your old men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
  I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
  and they will prophesy.’” Acts 2:17-18 NIV

This is a cool passage by itself. God will pour out His Spirit on all people. This also describes what has just happened in the preceding verses of Acts chapter two on the Day of Pentecost.

Here’s a reminder of what we discovered with Pentecost:

Connection contrast – Tower of Babel and Pentecost

Key verse

A key verse in today’s passage is Acts 2:16. These were the words of Joel, a prophet.

What’s the significance?

Scripture pairing Old Testament passage

This is our link to the Old Testament. Here’s the original passage:

“And afterward,
 I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
 your old men will dream dreams,
 your young men will see visions.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
 I will pour out my Spirit in those days.” Joel 2:28-29 NIV

Pretty cool, huh?

This is a powerful passage he’s quoting.

Did you see that? Peter quotes Scripture. Though it may not be clear from how he says it, after all, Joel could just be some guy he knows with the title of prophet.

But that’s not the case. Joel is a prophet of the Old Testament whose words are recorded in the book of Joel.

Where verses originated in Old Testament

The passage in Acts helps us find where these verses originated in the Old Testament.

Do you remember what verse 16 said?

Spoken by the prophet

We can glean some clues from the wording in verse 16.

“This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel.” (Acts 2:16)

This passage in Acts is from the minor prophet book of Joel.

Clues in phrases

We can find clues in the New Testament as to the origin of a passage by looking for phrases like “spoken by the prophet” or “it is written.”

Remember names of prophets

Another piece that helps us recognize the correlation to verses spoken by an Old Testament prophet is to remember the names of the prophets. I know this may seem like a lot because, let’s be honest, there are a lot of them.

Reference books of the Bible

As you become more familiar with these occurrences in the Bible, you’ll start to recognize which references are books of the Bible.

We can see where this quote originates, simply by looking at the verse that leads into the quote.

We can then connect the Old and New Testament through this scripture pairing of the same passage in two places.

Why does this matter?

  • Discover a backdrop or backstory for context of these verses.
  • Gain greater comprehension of Bible content through this type of scripture pairing.
  • A way to read or experience the Old Testament as it relates to the New Testament.

I appreciate having the background of the Old Testament when I read the New Testament. For me it’s like watching the first of a movie trilogy. The inside jokes, knowing nods from an awareness of what came before or where that phrase first came to light.

If you prefer to focus on the New Testament, there’s a way to make some of these connections to the Old Testament simply through clues found in the words you read. These clues can often give us just enough information to determine the original location of the phrase we found.

There are other ways that segments of scripture come together. Finding an exact match or quote between the Old Testament and New Testament is just one way.

For a refresher on the minor prophets:

A bike and the Bible – Daniel and the minor prophets – part 13

What’s “A bike and the Bible?”

A quick ride through the entire Bible to get your bearings.

Here’s the starting point:

A bike and the Bible – an adventure – intro – part 1

Or you can type “A bike in the Bible” into the search bar for quick access to all 17 short posts.

Connection through contrast – Tower of Babel and Pentecost

Sometime opposites attract. Pairing Scripture passages through contrast, like the Tower of Babel and Pentecost, gives us a deeper meaning and connection between the Old and New Testament.

Scripture pairings

As I’ve spent time reading the Bible, I’ve noticed patterns and pairings of Scripture. Passages that stand well on their own are enhanced when viewed in light of another related passage, even a contrasting one.

I think it’s fun to be able to recognize correlations between the Old and New Testament.

The Tower of Babel in the Old Testament (Genesis) and the Day of Pentecost in the New Testament (Acts) are one such pairing.

Tower of Babel

The story of the Tower of Babel is found in Genesis 11:1-8. To summarize, the people, who at that time all spoke the same language, wanted to build a tower to reach heaven for their own personal gain. This was not such a good idea. The Lord scattered the people and confused their language so they couldn’t understand one another.

“That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.” Genesis 11:9 NIV

In summary,

  • man tried to reach heaven
  • man wanted to make a name for himself
  • God scattered the people and confused the language

Scripture contrast

Another short passage in Scripture presents a different association between heaven and earth. This one’s found in the New Testament.

Day of Pentecost

In the Book of Acts on a day called Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came down from heaven like a rushing wind upon the apostles who were gathered together.

“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:4 NIV

A crowd heard the sound, but not only that,

“Each one heard their own language being spoken.” Acts 2:6b NIV

What words did they hear?

“We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” Acts 2:11b NIV

In summary,

  • the Holy Spirit came down to man from heaven
  • people heard their own language and understood
  • God’s name was praised, not man’s

The connection

Do you see the connection? The pairing of these two passages?

Each set of verses on its own is a self-contained story or event. Together they give us a deeper connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament.


Through contrast

In this case it’s through the contrast of what occurs.

Did you see it?

If not, take another glance back at the two storylines.

Experience the connection

Much like tasting food instead of just looking at it, I think experiencing the connection in Scripture for ourselves leads to a more meaningful and lasting impression from words read.

Expect to see deeper connection

Are you new to making this kind of connection in Scripture? I think seeing them is just a matter of practice of expecting to see a deeper connection than what’s in plain sight or on the surface. The more we open ourselves to the possibility that a passage pulls from another place in the Bible, the more we allow ourselves to see the bigger picture and deeper significance of what we’ve read.

The more times we open our Bible, the more we see in the Scriptures.

The contrast

The people building the tower sought to elevate their own name and status.

The people at Pentecost praised the Lord’s name.

The pattern

We can simplify this into a short phrase:

Man reaches for heaven.

Heaven reaches for man.

The contrast.

Why this matters

Why does this matter?

We see the bigger picture when we recognize connecting points, even contrasting ones. Recognition simply comes from having seen something before. If we train ourselves to consider there could be a more significant correlation, we open ourselves up to being able to see these meaningful connections.

As you may have noticed, I’m a proponent of reading the Old Testament to shed light on the New Testament. Yes, the New Testament gives us Jesus. The Old Testament gives us the backstory and deeper meaning.

Want to see where the Tower of Babel fits into the context of Genesis?

Through Genesis – shedding light on the journey

Want a glimpse at where Acts stacks up in the New Testament lineup?

A bike and the Bible – The Gospels, Acts, and Romans – part 14

A bike and the Bible – Revelation – part 16

Revelation, the last book of the Bible, is where we find comparison to the final stretch of the bike ride. Join me as we shine some light on the path.


We had traveled over several trestles on the length of this bike ride. They first appeared far in the distance – I hadn’t even realized they were a part of the route.

As we progressed further I began to realize they were an integral part of the trail. I started to see them in relation to other sections of the landscape of this trek. We can make a similar connection to the book of Revelation against the backdrop of the whole Bible.

Return to the tunnel

One more book to go. Revelation. Remember that tunnel at the beginning of the ride? The shuttle bus dropped us back at the wrong end of it in my opinion, but that’s the only place it stops. I think it’s really good that I had no clue I would have to ride through this tunnel one more time. I personally think that would have been my undoing had I realized this traumatic tunnel where I had encountered my fears would be my point of escape.


For me, the book of Revelation was kind of like that too. The letters of Paul and others were comprehensible and then came Revelation, steeped in imagery. If I had thought the Gospel of John was hard to read with all of its visuals, Revelation came across like a bad dream. Well, it is the vision of the Gospel writer John.

Avoided reading

For years I avoided reading Revelation. Since I didn’t initially get the imagery of the Book of John, I had an even harder time understanding Revelation, penned by the same author.

Like the tunnel at the beginning of the ride, my first attempt at reading Revelation was a plunge into incomprehension and darkness. Nothing made sense.

Connections to the beginning

Once I read through the whole Bible though I saw some connections to the beginning in Genesis. Which is fun since I had to ride back through the tunnel at the end of the ride. And if you recall from early posts about this bike ride I referred to the start of the Old Testament as the long dark tunnel.

Tunnel of darkness

At the start of the ride I ran into the 1.661 mile long tunnel of darkness and unknown obstacles, many of which were internal (fears). Which was the same tunnel I now approached on the return.

Trying to initially read through the Bible I also encountered the long dark tunnel of the first five books of the Bible – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Same issues

The beauty of the similarity of this journey is that in some ways, the same issues I had with getting started with the Bible, were the same ones that prevented me from crossing the finish line with this behemoth book in the first place. This last book of Revelation, this prophecy for the next chapter with Jesus, revealed nothing to me initially, only confusion.


So what changed?

Well, for one thing, my confidence to even open it and read what was in it.

When I did, I was astounded. No, I didn’t suddenly have a full comprehension of what was in it. I was still confused. But my Bible was open to Revelation, and I was open to taking a look at God’s Word this far into the Bible – at the end of the book but not the end of the story.

What I noticed

So what did I notice?

I noticed this Revelation was a vision, what God had revealed to the Gospel writer John while he was exiled on an island. (Revelation 1:1,9-10)

I recognized references from Genesis (tree of life, tribes) and names for Jesus – the Lion of Judah, the Lamb, and the Root of David. I remembered reading about Judah in Genesis, the Lamb in Exodus, and about David in 1 and 2 Samuel. And those are just some of the places we find them.

Did I understand everything I read? No. Did I read through it even though I didn’t fully grasp it? Yes. Did I gain more confidence having read through it and opened this book in the first place? Yes.

I recognized more from Revelation because I had taken a chance at the beginning to read from Genesis, Exodus, and further in.

The point wasn’t to comprehend everything, but have a better sense of what was there.

As with the tunnel. The 1.661 mile tunnel was still dark and much too long for my taste. The ceiling still dripped water and the road still slanted toward the gutters. But I knew that now. I was aware of those elements, those aspects of this previously unknown path.

I had ridden the length of the trail. I knew what to expect, even if what I knew was that I would still be traveling in darkness. That revelation provided a level of assurance as I made the return trip through this space that had tripped me up at the onset.

What changed

We raced through the tunnel. Partly because we were hungry and way behind schedule, but also because I had grown a bit on the journey.

It was the same tunnel, but I was changed.

I now had the strength to endure, the tools to continue on this journey in spite of the darkness I would inevitably encounter. And I knew for certain I was riding toward the light.

I knew for certain I was riding toward the light.

Through my experience of the entire ride, the clunky start, the angst, the hesitation, I had gained skills over the course of my journey. And perspective. As I learned more about the route I saw how the pieces fit together. I could see where I’d been and where I was headed. And though I still struggled periodically along the route, I gained skills that helped me as I continued along the path.

Had skills

So by the time I arrived at this tunnel that had plunged me into darkness and confrontation of my fears, I had skills that helped me cope with the darkness and confidence that I was indeed riding toward the light.

Remember that mud stripe I saw on the backs of the ones who had ridden through the tunnel on the way in? That stripe came from riding quickly through the tunnel. When my husband and I emerged from the darkness we discovered that we now had the tell-tale sign of an experienced rider.

I wore my mud proudly. Yes, I rode the route. I pedaled fast. I sailed through the tunnel. I had enough light on the way back. I had confidence to soar through the darkness to reach the light.

And much in the way we were tagged by the trail and our experience with it, so do we, as we dive into Scripture and pursue the length of the journey, emerge as ones who have been with Jesus.

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13 NIV

Want a quick review of Genesis?

Through Genesis – shedding light on the journey

Or a few more insights on Revelation?

Beginning with the Book of Revelation