Through the tunnel and into the light

This was the view that awaited me after the long dark tunnel at the start of the bike ride.

waterfall view after tunnel
The peaceful view just outside of the 1.661 mile long tunnel.

Catching my breath. A place to pause.

Did you follow the journey through the long dark tunnel on the Hiawatha bike ride? The Hiawatha bike trail is a 15-mile trek along an old train route which starts in a pitch black tunnel. A tunnel 1.661 miles long.


After a very rocky ride through this darkness, we finally emerged into daylight. This waterfall awaited us at the entrance. Thank you, Jesus.


I stopped, a bit awkwardly, but managed to find my footing. I stepped off my bike and walked right up to the waterfall. Pausing. Breathing. Soaking in the peaceful view in the middle of the chaos with my feet firmly planted on the ground.

After the rocky start, the shaky ride, the turbulent trek, I took a moment to stand and be still.

Confidence to keep going

We were, after all, still at the beginning of our journey. We had barely started our trip. This glimpse of refreshment gave me a way to gear up for the next phase. I had made it through the dreaded tunnel, which gave me a boost of confidence to keep going.

First five books of the Bible

Did you make it through the first five books of the Bible?

  • Genesis
  • Exodus
  • Leviticus
  • Numbers
  • Deuteronomy

If you did, wonderful. If you didn’t, just note the names of them as we continue looking through our Bibles.


We have more ground to cover, but for now let’s take a moment to rest and enjoy the view.