Did anybody notice? Look forward in a new way.

In this year of 2020, we are in a season requiring clarity of vision. Life is changing. We have to look at things from a different perspective. Maybe this is a chance to look forward in a new way.

In some cases, families are being forced back under one roof. This may be a difficulty or hardship for some. For others it may create a chance to reconnect, learn how to interact together, learn how to be a family with one another.

My prayer is that love and peace would persevere where there is struggle or strife.

For some families, changing conditions mean isolation from loved ones.

My prayer is that those who feel alone will find connection and comfort in some way with people who are close by.

For churches, the building has been closed. Worship has been forced out of the building. Churches are having to rethink how they do church, how they reach out into the community.

My prayer is that more people will have access to and hear a message of hope.

Job situations are changing. My prayer is for all who are impacted economically in this season, especially those feeling the drastic decrease in income, that each one will feel a sense of stability and security in the midst of the uncertainty.

I’m seeing creativity as restaurants learn how to send their food out into the homes and neighborhoods.

My prayer is that we may all find creative new ways of moving forward in a positive direction.

What if one of the repercussions or consequences of this season is that we learn how to be in the home with the family?

So in this season of difficulty and drastic change, don’t be discouraged.

My prayer is that something good grows out of the upset.

 “Remember not the former things,
    nor consider the things of old.
   Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV

What can I do in this season of chaos? Be still.

Be still.

One of the most oft-quoted verses in the Bible comes in the middle of the chaos. Find God’s grace and love in the stillness.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 NIV

What a beautiful thought, to be still, unless you’re a go-getter, self-starter, take-matters-into-your-own-hands, or prefer-to-be-in-control type of person.

If stillness isn’t your strength, rest assured, you’re in good company. This verse doesn’t show up in the middle of a peaceful, pleasant, gentle-breeze kind of setting. This truth stands in stark contrast to all the verses that surround it. Chaos, earth-shaking, mess-making troubling circumstances surround this simple phrase.

Another way to consider these instructions is, “Rest assured, I’ve got this.” Everything’s under control, God’s control.

“Settle in. Watch me work.”

If we feel like we can’t handle what’s going on in our lives, rest assured, we don’t have to. God has everything covered. Covered by His grace. Covered with His love.

If your inclination is to do something, then believe. Believe that God has everything under control. Believe that God is at work in every situation. Believe that God knows what’s going on and is present in all of it.

If you want something to do, believe.

“God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 NIV

How to hear from God – where to look

How to hear from God

Want to know how to hear from God? Listen.

Know what to listen for. In this post I describe a few ways I’ve heard God speak. In addition, time spent in the Bible gives us a feel for how God speaks, what God says, and truths about God. Not sure where to start? Here are a few ways and verses to get started.

Before much else I prayed

I woke up this morning with a big project on my mind. I wasn’t sure what direction to go in, but I knew I had some writing to do on a book project.

Before much else I sat down for ten minutes and prayed. My prayer happened to be written down, but you can say yours aloud or in the quiet of your heart.

I said what was on my heart, then, wait for it, I listened. Yup. Gave God a chance to speak.

I waited

I waited. In my heart I sensed I was supposed to open my Bible and spend time reading Scriptures instead of going straight to writing. This was a bit counterintuitive because I have a lot of writing to do, but I obeyed, complied, did what I sensed God wanted me to do.

Well, guess what? I took four pages of notes, made some incredible discoveries, and ended up with fresh ideas and plenty of notes for my writing project.

Not sure how?

Not sure how to go about listening?

Share a prayer with God, then pause. Wait. Without an agenda. It’s OK if all you hear is silence or distracting sounds of everyone and everything around you. The key is to start. Create an expectation that you will hear from God.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 NIV

Where to start

Not sure where in the Bible to start? Are you familiar with the 23rd Psalm? Start there. Open your Bible to the middle, approximately where the Psalms are, and read through Psalm 23.

Try reading it slowly or one verse at a time then pausing.

Does a word or a phrase catch your eye?

Does it bring you a sense of peace?

Does it convict you of something in your life?

Scripture is one way God speaks to us.

God can speak to us

Taking a moment to open the Bible and focus on Scripture creates an opportunity for God to show us something in the text, to show us something about who He is, or something He wants to show us about ourselves. These are just a few ways that God can speak to us through Scripture.

And if a person’s name or a situation comes to mind while you are reading, that could also be a prompt you are to pray for that person or situation.

What to pray

Not sure what to pray? There’s an app for that.

Apply this Scripture during your prayer time anytime you don’t know the words to pray:

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27 NIV


The more comfortable we get with the idea of praying to God, the more likely we can say a short prayer in any context of our lives. Stuck in traffic? Pray. Sitting at work? Say a quick prayer. Doing chores around the house? Say a few words in prayer. Stuck at home? Pray.

The more we practice this notion of prayer, the more easily it can become a habit of prayer.

In a season of uncertainty, prayer might just be the thing to help our hearts.

Are we listening for ways God is speaking?

Listening for God to speak in our lives can be simple. Do we recognize when it happens? What might it look like? Here is a recent example of this in my own life. Maybe it will help you consider where God might be speaking in yours.


I like to call it God speaking in stereo. When a theme is echoed in more than one place in my life, reinforcing the message I am receiving.

Last week this happened as I was writing the blog post about the song “Jesus Loves Me.” I was reflecting on which Bible verses to use:

Psalm 139:1

1 John 3:1

In fact the idea to write the blog post solidified when I was sharing my thoughts in a small gathering about whether or not we believe that Jesus loves us. One friend replied, “That’s a blog post.”

Hearing her response reinforced that maybe this was a good idea to pursue.

Familiar Bible verse

While writing the post I reflected which Bible verses would be helpful to hold onto this truth of God loving us while already knowing about us.

Psalm 139 came to mind because I was familiar with it. I had read that Psalm in my Bible so it was in my memory bank.

A song

On my way to a Bible study I heard Matthew West’s song, “Hello, My Name Is.” The bridge of the song speaks of God’s love for His children. When I heard it, I knew that was the phrase I was looking for. The words reminded me of a Bible passage, I just wasn’t sure where to find it in the Bible. Because I was listening, I heard the answer I was seeking.

As soon as I arrived, I wrote down the verse so I wouldn’t forget it. Although I didn’t know where it was located in the Bible, I figured I could do a search later.

A speaker

During the Bible study teaching, the speaker shared a verse from the first letter of John in the New Testament. Problem solved. Wouldn’t you know it was the same verse I had heard in the song and written down? The verse I was seeking showed up more than once. I recognized it because I was listening.

Not long after, during the same teaching, she mentioned the verse from Psalm 139 I planned to use. Why wouldn’t she? I had confirmation for the verse in 1 John, why wouldn’t I receive confirmation for the passage from Psalm 139?

A friend

A remembered verse

A song

A speaker

God speaks

The message for the blog post came about because I listened. God speaks to us through Scripture – one really good reason to be familiar with the Bible. God can also speak to us through people, songs, and circumstances.

Are we listening?

Jesus loves me this I know, or do I?

Jesus loves me.

I was thinking about this song recently, “Jesus Loves Me.” I learned it as a child. It speaks of knowing Jesus loves me, that it’s in the Bible.

But do I know this? Do I believe it to be true?


I asked a group recently to take a few minutes to write down what they love about Jesus. They reflected and wrote. The exercise went smoothly. Everyone seemed to accomplish this with relative ease.

Then I asked them to write down what Jesus loves about them.

Some wrote a little. Others hesitated. Which camp would you fall into?

Some days I write a little. Other days I hesitate.

I know what I think of myself.

Some days I’m not sure if I want to know what Jesus thinks of me.

Can He just think of me on good days when I have my act together? When patience and kindness rule my heart and only loving words come out of my mouth?

Can Jesus just look the other way on other days until I think I have everything figured out?

Thankfully I don’t have to worry about that. Any of it.

Jesus knows what’s on my heart and still loves me.  (Psalm 139:1-4)

You have searched me, Lord,
  and you know me. Psalm 139:1 NIV

Jesus loves me. Rest in that truth. Take a deep breath. Remember this:

Jesus loves me.

Think of it as a three step process:

Jesus loves me.

Come back to these three simple words at different times throughout the day. Pause. Remember. Reflect. Jesus loves me.

This I know.

The more I remind myself, the more I believe it. This moves from being something I have to remember, to something I already know. Something I’ve internalized.

For the Bible tells me so.

Here’s the fun part. Open your Bible. The more I look in my Bible, the more I discover. Through these discoveries I recognize more of the depth of God’s love for His children.

I don’t read the Bible so that Jesus will love me more. I read the Bible to discover how much He already does.

Time spent with Jesus shows us how deeply He loves us. It’s hard to know how much someone loves us if we don’t spend time with them.

Notice I didn’t say how much they love us is dependent on how much time we spend with them. I said we don’t realize how much they love us, how much they already love us, until we spend time with them.

So spend time with Jesus. Not so that He will love you more, but so you will more fully know how much He already loves you.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1 NIV

We don’t read the Bible so Jesus will love us more. We read the Bible to see how much more Jesus loves us than we believe.

Are you just getting started with your Bible?

You’ve come to the right place. Let’s learn what’s in it together.

This song, “Hello, My Name Is,” by Matthew West, reminds me of this love of Jesus. Maybe it will speak to you too.