All the steps involved

A year ago I attended my first multi-day writers conference. Keynote speakers Kim Meeder and Robin Jones Gunn inspired and encouraged me through their messages to the group and gracious interactions one on one. The schedule was packed with coaching classes, writing workshops, and opportunities to hear from industry professionals. I came home filled with knowledge of writing and publishing. The information was great, though it was a lot to absorb all at once. With so much to remember, it was easy to forget the details of the experience.

The first year everything was new – all the information and the process. Now as I prepare for this year’s event, I have a better context for what I am learning.

The same goes for the Bible. We can easily overwhelm ourselves thinking we need to know everything all at once or remember everything we read, but that’s not true.

Learn in layers. Come back to it often. Absorb a little more each time. It’s more fun that way.