Rest a moment with Jesus and find peace

When the view from my window feels small or limited, I rest a moment with Jesus.

Beauty of God’s creation

I had to pull back from the computer this past week-end. Lately, it feels like my whole life has been reduced to a window on a computer. I needed to rest my eyes on the beauty of God’s creation, the colorful spring flowers, pink and purple tulips, and the last of the yellow daffodils, complimented by a fresh green backdrop.

My life during the week has been filled with workshops and webinars, typing articles on a computer, and catching up on communication, all online.

Look around

I needed to step away from my limited view and look around me.

All of this learning and communication is good, it’s just too much all at once. My head needed a pause.

Jesus helps settle my soul

What I didn’t let go of was Jesus. I’ve been journaling every morning, ten minutes or a few pages, whatever I feel prompted to do. This time with Jesus helps settle my soul, my heart, and my thoughts.

My day still ends up being filled with projects, but it goes much better having started the day with Jesus.

One connection that matters

So for a moment, no computer. Well except for typing this because I can type faster than I can write by hand and I don’t want to have to type up my handwritten notes tomorrow.

And while I won’t have all my online social connections, I will have one connection that matters close at hand throughout the day, Jesus.

Spend time with Jesus

Have you tried taking a moment to spend time with Jesus?

The easiest way I know is to simply pause, sit back, and breathe.

I don’t have to know what the next step is. I just rest in the moment, however brief.

Rest a moment with Jesus

With spring flowers blooming I like to set my gaze on God’s glorious creation, which I can’t do from my computer, another reason to step away from this spot.

If you can’t step away from your computer right now, take a moment to look away from it, sit back, and rest a moment with Jesus.

May your heart find peace in the moment.

“Return to your rest, my soul,
    for the Lord has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7 NIV

In you, oh Lord, I find my strength.

In you, oh Lord, I find my rest.