How to find peace in our lives amidst the busy

Life doesn’t feel peaceful. The burden of every day crowds out the calm. How do we find the peace amidst the busy, the place of calm in the chaos?

Find peace in our lives

Stresses and responsibilities that we set aside in December, come back to the surface once the holidays are over. Jesus brought peace on earth. How do we find peace in our own lives, especially when any sort of holiday break is over and it’s back to the busy?

Maybe a misplaced ornament can offer some clues.

Peace on earth

I found this year’s wayward ornament. The seasonal stowaway which long after we’d sung “Joy to the World” was still proclaiming “peace on earth” while the rest of the yuletide cheer had been packed away for another year.

The timing wasn’t even close to Christmas. I came across this seasonal symbol a few weeks after the New Year rang in. A small wall-hanging that reads, “Peace on earth.” I found it on the back of a door that I hadn’t closed from the inside since I’d hung the decoration there. Most likely because I didn’t have time to hang out in that room amidst all of the holiday hustle and bustle.

God’s gentle reminder

God’s gifts are always timely. I took this ornament discovery as a sign. In a year of upsets, upside down, we’ve-never-been-through-this-before moments, I was given a gentle reminder on a soft-sewn pillowed banner. “Peace on earth” hanging behind a door, hidden away from view until I ventured into the space that activity had prevented me from entering into until now.

Where we find peace

Is this where we find peace? In a closed room we haven’t entered? In a space we’ve ignored where we don’t often spend time? Does the hurried and the harried hinder us from entering into a posture of peace?

Pressure of deadlines, expectations, and obligations

If you’re anything like me, January’s juggle of responsibilities is in full swing. For me that includes the pressure of deadlines, expectations, and obligations – many self-imposed.

Can you relate?

Jesus meets us in our chaos

We don’t have to wait until we have a moment’s peace to get some quiet. Jesus meets us in our chaos and brings His peace. It’s like we showed up to a potluck empty handed. There’s plenty of food to eat. At the peace banquet, Jesus brings the peace. We don’t have time for a sit-down meal? No problem. Jesus offers peace to go.

“My peace I give you”

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 NIV

How to access Jesus’ peace

How do we access this peace from Jesus?

I found some insight from this unearthed ornament.

This wall hanging proclaiming peace on earth had been silently displayed the whole time. I just hadn’t seen it because I hadn’t remembered it was there or had a reason to enter into the space.

I believe this is like the peace Jesus offers us. It’s always there visible, available, if only we remember to look for it. To remember Jesus already gave it to us, we just need to acknowledge that His peace is there for us.

Connect with Jesus

The easiest way I know to connect with Jesus’ peace is to connect with Jesus Himself.

We can pray to Jesus, “Jesus, please give me your peace in this situation.”

We can linger on the words of Jesus, “Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.” John 14:27a NIV

We can remember the teaching of Jesus, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

May you hold fast to the promise of Jesus’ peace.

Here’s last year’s stowaway story:

The wayward ornament, a reminder of the gift

How you can make a difference – your most important role

Ever wonder how you can make a difference in the world around you?

Have you pondered what you have to contribute?

Your most important role

What if your most important role is to find your light, the light of Jesus shining in your own heart, and shine it for those around you? What if Jesus is calling you to draw closer to Him, to more deeply experience His light, so you can share His light in the darkness?

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 NIV

Return to the source of light

When we return to the source of light in our own lives, we can share the light with others.

Light candles

On Christmas Eve we often light candles and sing Silent Night at the close of the worship service.

First the Christ candle is lit, then each person’s candle from it. Sometimes we all go up to the Christ candle to light our candle directly from the source of light. Other times we light our candles from the candle of the person standing near us.

Receive the light

I think that’s true in life too. Sometimes we receive our light directly from the source, from Jesus. Other times we receive the light of Jesus from another who has been in the presence of His light.

And other times we are someone else’s access to the light of Christ.

Do you know someone who is stumbling in darkness? Can you offer them the light of Jesus?

“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14 NIV

Carry the light

One way is to be the light in a situation, simply remembering you carry the light of Jesus in your heart. That place where all is calm and all is bright. Bright with the love and light of the Savior.

All it takes is one light to shine into the darkness.

Shine your light.

A song I wrote to inspire you to find yours:

Let the Praises Ring – shine your light

Hold onto comfort and joy in the new year

Jesus came down to earth in a manger at Christmas, but He doesn’t have to leave with the tree when the ornaments and festive decorations come down. When the comforts of the season are all boxed up, how do we hold onto comfort and joy the rest of the year?

Is Jesus just seasonal?

Winter blahs and blues

The Christmas lights arrive during the darkest time of the year. The birth story of Jesus brings joy amidst the winter blahs and blues. How do we keep that good feeling going after all the Christmas cheer has been packed away for another year?

Christmas lights

Walking through the neighborhood we see a few holiday holdouts. A handful of Christmas lights adorn a house here and there, but otherwise the signs of the yuletide are gone. In our own home the ornaments are packed away for another year. The symbols of the season are nestled all snug in their boxes until their much-awaited debut next December.

How about you? Are the house lights still up? Has the tree been taken down?

Is it back to business as usual – as usual as it can be in this unusual season?

After Christmas

What happens after Christmas? Once we take down the Christmas tree and put away the ornaments, is that it for peace, goodwill, and tidings of good cheer? Does the jolly just leave? The merry get misplaced?

Is Christmas just a passing phase and Christ attached to a pop-up event?

When Christmas gets put away maybe we think Jesus does, too.

Hold onto the light of Christmas

We don’t have to set Jesus aside. After the trappings of the season are packed up, we can still hold onto the light of Christmas.

I want to carry forward peace on earth and tidings of comfort and joy.

Anchor into Christ’s presence

I decided to look back at the carols of Christmas to bring good cheer into the new year. I’m not talking about a momentary gladness, but rather an intentional commitment to remember elements of Christmas and Christ’s presence that we can anchor into in the days ahead.

Reminders of the season from the Christmas carols

What can we carry forward from the carols of Christmas?

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. We can call on Jesus.

Emmanuel, God with us.

So often in my morning journaling this phrase, “Emmanuel, God with us,” comes up. A reminder that God is with me in whatever I am dealing with or walking through.

God is with you, too.

Angel’s message to the shepherds

The First Noel and While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks.

Remember what the angel said to the shepherds?

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10 KJV

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:13-14 KJV

Good news, great joy, peace.


O Holy Night. On that holiest of nights, the arrival of Messiah brought hope into a weary world.


Wouldn’t it be nice to remember Jesus brings hope?

And the reminder from Hark the Herald Angels Sing that Jesus brings light, life, and healing.

Carry forward comfort and joy

Emmanuel, God with us.

Good news, great joy, peace, hope.

Light, life, and healing.

I’ll bring those forward into the new year. Want to join me?

Want a refresher from songs of Christmas?

Christmas carols in the Scriptures – O Come O Come Emmanuel

Christmas carols in the Scriptures – Hark the Herald Angels Sing

What to do with a wayward ornament?

The wayward ornament, a reminder of the gift